Obesity Prevention Manager, Cancer Council WA

Ainslie Sartori

Ainslie Sartori is the Obesity Prevention Manager at Cancer Council WA. Ainslie has a background in law and nutrition, and employs both these skills in the obesity prevention context, by looking at regulatory measures to combat the obesity epidemic.

Articles by this author

  • Sugary drinks don't belong in sport

    Olympians don't fuel their bodies with junk food, and neither should we

    • Aug 02, 2021
    • by Ainslie Sartori

    As millions of children and families around the globe tune in to see amazing feats of strength, endurance, and agility at this year’s Olympic Games in Tokyo, health experts have raised concerns about the huge volume of junk food and sugary drink marketing they will unwittingly be exposed to.

  • skittles

    Taking a stand on junk food

    • Mar 22, 2021
    • by Gael Myers, Ainslie Sartori

    We know that families are trying to stay healthy and eat well. But the world around us doesn’t make this easy, especially when the junk food industry is allowed to market their products to kids, and build their unhealthy outlets anywhere they want.

  • Pile of junk food

    An epidemic of junk food marketing

    • May 19, 2020
    • by Ainslie Sartori

    Junk food companies and fast food restaurants have been quick to cash in on the COVID-19 crisis and the advice to stay home by shifting their marketing focus with lightening speed. But is the heavy promotion of junk foods and drinks really the type of messaging we need during this public health crisis?