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  • Fish and chips

    Takeaway makeovers

    • Mar 28, 2021
    • by Gael Myers

    Many takeaway favourites are packed full of cheap ingredients like added sugar, saturated fat and salt. These can leave us hungry and don’t provide the nutrients we need to keep our bodies running smoothly. Skip the junk and enjoy all your fast food faves by giving them a healthy home-cooked twist.

  • skittles

    Taking a stand on junk food

    • Mar 22, 2021
    • by Gael Myers, Ainslie Sartori

    We know that families are trying to stay healthy and eat well. But the world around us doesn’t make this easy, especially when the junk food industry is allowed to market their products to kids, and build their unhealthy outlets anywhere they want.

  • A middle-aged man and woman prepare a meal in a kitchen.

    Ditch the diet pressure and think health this year

    • Dec 22, 2020
    • by Gael Myers

    It’s that time of the year when we frown at the string of festive feasts and resolve to lose 20 kilos. Here are three tips to refresh your New Year’s resolution thinking and feel great this new year.

  • bullseye

    The best laid plans

    • Aug 12, 2020
    • by Gael Myers

    New years' resolutions are easier said than done! Check out our top tips for making a goal that sticks!

  • Kids play sport

    Hitting the sweet spot in kid’s sport

    • Jul 20, 2020
    • by Alex Dreyer

    As some of Australia starts to open back up again, children and parents alike are eagerly awaiting the return of junior sport. Organised sport is a great way to get the benefits of physical activity, however it can also be a setting that encourages the consumption of junk food. Let’s help our kids to understand that the road to sporting success is paved with healthy food, not hamburgers. Here are four ways to help your kids shoot for health when playing junior sport.

  • Pile of junk food

    An epidemic of junk food marketing

    • May 19, 2020
    • by Ainslie Sartori

    Junk food companies and fast food restaurants have been quick to cash in on the COVID-19 crisis and the advice to stay home by shifting their marketing focus with lightening speed. But is the heavy promotion of junk foods and drinks really the type of messaging we need during this public health crisis?

  • Boy eats watermelon with his grandma

    How grandparents can become champions of healthy eating

    • Feb 01, 2020
    • by Michelle Jongenelis

    When it comes to what kids eat, how important are grandparents really?

  • dental mirror

    Sugary drinks are a rotten choice

    • Jan 15, 2020
    • by Dr Rebecca Williams

    The Australian Dental Association of WA has teamed up with LiveLighter® to create a new campaign to help ditch sugary drinks and help to keep dentist visits quick and painless. Dr Rebecca Williams, paediatric dentist, gives us the rundown on why sugary drinks are a rotten choice.  

  • Cooking up a storm

    Top 5 tips for a healthier you

    • Jan 12, 2020
    • by Gael Myers

    To celebrate the start of the new year we've put together our top tips to help kick start your way to a healthier you.

  • Tiago de Sousa

    Soccer dad Tiago reaps benefits of quitting alcohol

    • Dec 27, 2019
    • by Ben Somerford

    North Perth resident Tiago de Sousa quit alcohol and joined the MAN v FAT soccer program earlier this year and is now enjoying a healthier lifestyle with his young family.