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Healthy children and families key to WA’s future


One of Australia’s most respected dietitians has called on West Australian schools and families to be a positive influence on our next generation, and avoid the rates of adult overweight and obesity that the state is currently experiencing.

LiveLighter, WA’s healthy lifestyle campaign, and Western Australian School Canteen Association Inc (WASCA) have teamed up to bring Dr Rosemary Stanton OAM to Perth to highlight the importance of children’s health at school and at home.

Dr Rosemary Stanton OAM will be launching LiveLighter for Families to a number of the state’s health professionals tomorrow.

Dr Stanton said it is important for every adult to understand that when it comes to good health, they are role models for children.

“Two out of three West Australian adults are overweight or obese, so it’s vital that this generation of children develop healthy habits early in life, as these are likely to carry through to adulthood,” she said.

LiveLighter for Families provides practical information for parents and carers to help the whole family eat well and move more.

“LiveLighter for Families shows just how easy it is to be an example and provide healthy choices for children at home, school, and out and about,” LiveLighter health equity spokesperson Evonne Dart said.

“There’s often a misconception that healthy choices can be costly and time-consuming, but that’s really not the case.”

Dr Stanton is the keynote speaker for WASCA’s Canteen Conference and Expo on Friday, and will be discussing how school canteens can help or hinder what children learn in the classroom about healthy eating, and support what children need to know about sustainable living in their future.

“School years are the perfect time for children to learn about healthy food,” WASCA Executive Officer Megan Neeson said.

“Highly processed, sugary, fatty and salty foods are not sold in WA canteens.”

“The health of our children is a community responsibility, and it’s never too early for children to learn the importance of being healthy – it can last them a lifetime,” Dr Stanton said.


For media enquiries please contact Elizabeth Palmer, Communications Manager on 08 9382 5935 or