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  • Fried chicken wing hits the stumps

    Junk food in sport – it’s just not cricket

    • Feb 09, 2023
    • by Jawaahir Alim

    Watching cricket in Australia means being bombarded with junk food advertising. You can’t ignore KFC branding when watching the BBL, with branding on banners around the grounds, players’ uniforms, the pitch, wickets and TV graphics.

  • A variety of different coloured fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds.

    Plants put the brakes on ageing

    • Mar 08, 2022
    • by Guest Author

    Eating to age healthily may not fight greys or rid you of your ‘smile-lines’ but it can help delay declines in strength and energy levels, and reduce the risk of developing a chronic disease. Featuring the right foods can fuel our cells to fend off inflammation linked to ageing, and keep us fit and on our feet for longer.

  • vegie chips

    Pass the salt on the vegie chips

    • Dec 08, 2021
    • by Guest Author

    If you’ve been in a supermarket lately and happened to walk down the “health food” aisle, you may have noticed an explosion in the number of chip alternatives on offer. Vegie chips often have enticing labels promising a healthier alternative to your standard crinkle cut. But are they really healthier?

  • A still image from the Menu App tv advert showing a man and woman preparing a meal

    Selling health: the art and science of public health campaigns

    • Jul 06, 2021
    • by James Stevens-Cutler

    Have you ever wondered what goes into creating a brand new health advertising campaign? Read on!

  • Alcohol marketing tactics during COVID-19

    Sneaky alcohol marketing tactics you should be aware of

    • Jun 05, 2020
    • by Hannah Pierce

    A recent snapshot report has found that in just one hour on a Friday night, one person was targeted with alcohol ads on Facebook and Instagram every 35 seconds. Check out the six tactics the alcohol industry has been using during this public health crisis to encourage us to buy and drink more alcohol.

  • Pile of junk food

    An epidemic of junk food marketing

    • May 19, 2020
    • by Ainslie Sartori

    Junk food companies and fast food restaurants have been quick to cash in on the COVID-19 crisis and the advice to stay home by shifting their marketing focus with lightening speed. But is the heavy promotion of junk foods and drinks really the type of messaging we need during this public health crisis?

  • Boy eats watermelon with his grandma

    How grandparents can become champions of healthy eating

    • Feb 01, 2020
    • by Michelle Jongenelis

    When it comes to what kids eat, how important are grandparents really?

  • Close up of a section of bitumen road with ALCOHOL FREE ZONE written and a no alcohol graphic

    LiveLighter investigates: alcohol-free alcohol

    • Dec 24, 2019
    • by Gael Myers

    With the popularity of non-alcoholic drinks on the rise these drinks are moving from the fringe to being a viable option when you are staying away from drinking. However, there’s very little information out there about how many kilojoules these drinks actually contain. To find out more we scoured 26 bottle shops and supermarkets in the Perth metro area looking for non-alcoholic versions of your favourite beer, wine, cider and spirits.

  • Drinks in a supermarket fridge

    Study reveals 2 in 3 drinks at supermarket checkouts are bad for health

    • Sep 09, 2019
    • by Gael Myers

    To investigate the extent to which sugary drinks are promoted at the supermarket checkout LiveLighter collected data from Coles and Woolworths stores in the Perth metropolitan area.

  • sugar glass

    Aussies slip up on their sugary drink knowledge

    • May 17, 2019
    • by Alison McAleese

    We take a look at the latest findings from the annual Shape of Australia survey which reveal Australians’ perceptions of sugary drinks and confirm just how hard big beverage brands’ sneaky marketing tactics are hitting us.